
Dear Vonnegut, you’ve inspired this more than I’d like. Oh well, it’d only be claimed by Existentialists otherwise 12:50, September 21, 2011 (UTC)

He died

For our purposes, he went to Heaven

How nice

;I warn you, one day you will grow weary

Like any good caution which leaves itself to occur some other day, he continued on. What’d happen would happen. He needn’t worry

Time passed. Any description of this time would wreck the balance of ambiguity which is in store for you

He was bored

So he confessed: I have grown weary

;I told you you would

It is here that this divine chuckle raises the interpretive point. Did the man grown weary because God has supreme knowledge; or because he was so self conscious, always asking himself “Is this it? Am I bored? Will I ever enjoy myself as much again? If this isn’t nice, what is?”

I’ll make something clear here: I can only hope that after reading what follows you will still have enjoyed what came before with whatever interpretation you have at this point. What follows falls away from my ambiguity which asks the reader to write

For our purposes, he has the advantage compared to most of being in the presence of said God

So he asked: Was it fate?

;No. Only inevitable

Here’s how man earned free will, defined as being able to act without the knowledge of God:

God was bored

He knew everything. All that would happen. He even knew that all this would happen

He’d told himself in the past “One day, you will grow weary”

It wasn’t a warning. He was simply stating a known fact. People do it all the time

See, God knew everything that would happen in the universe. But he couldn’t exist as a part of it because knowledge of the future doesn’t fit inside the universe. This is the kind of problem children have when they try shoving the big ball in the little box

There are no paradoxes. It is impossible for God to enter existence and declare what will happen to someone who can do the opposite

So God gave up supreme knowledge and granted man free will and was then capable of existing within the universe

It isn’t so much amnesia which stops him from knowing. It’s simply an ambiguous knowledge of what will happen. It’s knowing that he knew, but not knowing what he knew

The paradox is in knowing, not having knew

The explanation from random prophesizing? Good bets. As probable as you reading the following: See?

Thus did the man grow weary. Thus did the man become God. Some other God for some other universe with some other unknown fate

;For I am a tired God

Anyways, now that that’s over, here’s the description I removed:

Except whenever he started to immersevely enjoy himself he’d have to worry after declaring “If this isn’t nice, what is?”

Maybe this isn’t nice. Maybe there really is much more that is. Maybe

After an eternity of worry, of nervous break downs, of anxiety attacks at night; he cracked
